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Group of Activists



America is on the verge of war.  With itself.  Red vs Blue.  Urban vs Rural.  Left vs Right.  Browns vs Whites.  Us vs Them.  It's splitting families apart.  It's tearing our nation apart.  We are better than this!


What we need now is not "bipartisanship."  Why should we be satisfied with Satan vs Hitler every election?




We exist to end the two-party system in American politics by making it a multi-party system.


It's time for new voices.  New underdogs.  New stories.  New heroes.


We are the REAL silent majority.

But we will be silent NO LONGER.


We won't just make America great "again."


Election Campaign


We think we vote for our chosen candidate.  But do we really choose them?  Or do we "settle" for them?


We just end up voting for who can beat the other side.


A new way of voting can enable us to choose multiple candidates and rank them.




will finally empower us to vote for what matters rather than just what we can get.


When we can have 2nd or 3rd choices instead of all-or-nothing, we can choose from more than two parties.


More choices means better representation and less negative campaigning.  This leads to less toxic politics.


A free market for goods encourages competition.  We have two giant political monopolies.  Let's have a free market for candidates.



Trapped behind window


The last time we were on the brink of civil war, we had a slavery problem.  Despite all our progress, we still have this problem.


We have more slaves now than we did before the American Civil War.


Except this time, instead of labor slaves, they are sexual slaves.  And people of all races are victims.


And their plight is hidden.


By our politicians, they have been forgotten about.


Their suffering is only invoked to take photo ops at campaign events or to discredit the opposing party.  They blame each other for facilitating human trafficking while doing nothing to fix it.


Slavery is the most evil invention of human kind.  And it's something we can ALL unify against.


The Party of Freedom is dedicated to ending slavery once and for all.



Pose at Protest


You are being used.


The two parties want us to keep fighting over abortion forever.  Abortion has more single-issue voters than almost any other issue.




The politicians benefit from the abortion FIGHT ITSELF by holding voters morally hostage for decades.


Money spent funding political candidates to fight each other about abortion should instead be used to FUND RESEARCH into BETTER CONTRACEPTIVES.


We can fly to the moon but can't love without fear.


Let's join together to END UNWANTED PREGNANCY FOREVER using research.


The ability to love without fear is a RIGHT.




The people we elect don't work for us


They work for their rich donors

Big money controls our government.


Giant lump-sum donations from billionaires and corporations to our elected representatives ensure that the voices of the rich and powerful drown out all other opinions.


Did you know there is NO LIMIT to the amount of money that any single person or business can donate to support a political campaign?  Thanks to the Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, money donations are legally considered speech, and corporations are considered people.  This means the government can't limit the amount of money that a person or a business can give to certain types of political groups.


There still are limits to how much a person or company can give DIRECTLY to a candidate's campaign, but people and corporations can donate UNLIMITED money to Super PACs (Political Action Committees).  These groups are set up to benefit political candidates, parties, or particular issues.  They can run phone banks, make political ads, buy ad space, and even go door-to-door.


While it's true that anyone can donate to support a cause, billionaires, and especially giant corporations, have vast sums of money they can give that the rest of the people do not have.  Ordinary people have to band together, which takes time, energy, and money, while the wealthy already HAVE the cash available immediately.


The rich can now give UNLIMITED MONEY!​






Is it possible that money comes with requirements from the donors?  OF COURSE!


This is essentially BRIBERY.


Money intended to change someone's behavior is bribery, even if it's legal.  The fact that it's legal makes it even MORE destructive to our country.


What if you were offered a **million dollars** JUST to support a few specific issues that the donor wanted?


Would you turn down millions of dollars to vote differently once or twice?  Maybe.  But what if it was legal, and everyone else was doing it, too?  And you thought you needed it or you would lose your job to someone else who, in your opinion, is worse and more corrupt than you?  And that donor might even give that same money to your competition if you reject the offer.  And your party told you to raise as much money as possible or else they'd stop supporting you.


At that point, you've justified it, and this is how even good people get suckered into it.  Cause it's "just the way it is."  It's "just how the game is played."






But our democracy... our republic... is failing us.  And it's primarily due to this.  The interests of the rich few are being massively prioritized and overriding the will of the people.


It seems like the will of the people is what ultimately wins.  Our officials are elected through voting, voting WORKS, and there is NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD.  So please vote.


But a recent study showed that the person who got the most money, regardless of source, won in over 90% of electoral contests in the United States.


And with only two parties to choose from, it's even easier to trick people into voting a particular way because you can emphasize the flaws of a particular person or even spread lies about them.  You can get people to vote against candidates even if they support popular issues.


This means that billionaires, giant corporations, and elites are basically BUYING ELECTIONS.






The Party of Freedom is NOT against wealth.


We have a right to get rich in this country.  Getting rich is a part of the American Dream.




And that's exactly what they're doing.  Bribes control our elected officials by influencing their actions.  And giant sums of money buy ads to influence our opinions.






But come on...  there's no way Congress will vote to get rid of money that makes them rich, right?


There are ways around a stubborn, greedy Congress: Constitutional amendments and more political parties.


Even if Congress is unlikely to vote against money in politics (in our two-party system, that is), we can get an amendment passed (possibly by going through the states) to limit ALL types of money in politics.


And in a multi-party system, more parties means MORE CHOICES!  Having more choices means that we spread out the influence of money.  The wealthy and corporations stand a greater chance of putting money into a candidate who ends up losing.  Remember, these people typically don't invest money if there's a high probability that the money they invest will be wasted.  And it quickly becomes dramatically more expensive to buy every candidate.


It also makes it more likely that we elect someone who ISN'T BOUGHT.  We will get candidates who don't believe the lie that things have to be this way because that's "just how the game is played."


If that's how the game is played currently, WE CAN CHANGE THE RULES!!!




Money is not speech.  Money is power.  Money is control.




The Party of Freedom is firmly dedicated to the ABOLITION OF BRIBERY.  We will TAKE THE POWER BACK from the billionaires, corporations, and elites that control the people WE ELECT.



Image by Crystal Huff

Is the Freedom Party Left, Right, or Moderate?

We aren't choosing a side.
We are a new and better option.


We recognize that people are complicated.  Few Americans are either 100% liberal or 100% conservative.  We are forced into this left-right dichotomy by the Two-Party System.  This is deeply unhealthy for stability in a democracy composed of such a large population, geography, and human diversity like ours.

Should we choose a side, in our current voting system, this would likely result in splitting votes on our side, and the other side winning.  Or we simply replace the other party and become the new Democrats or Republicans, solving nothing.


Ranked Choice Voting will solve this problem of vote-splitting.  But we have to operate within our current system first.


Therefore we do not have a "party platform" that forces people to vote a certain way.  We have "tenets" that must be respected, and our representatives have freedom to vote their conscience in all other issues.


Our members' campaigns *do* have platforms, and may contradict each other at times.  People have different views, so this is healthy, and encourages a mixture of healthy competition within the party.


But unlike our current system, we know we're all on the same "Team."  We're all Americans.  The only "other" are those who wish, for personal or political gain, for our country's infighting to continue.


All Americans who are tired of our current Red vs Blue politics are welcome to join, so long as you do not aspire to or preach hatred or violence, are neither communist nor fascist, and are willing to work cooperatively with people with whom you may have disagreements.


The two parties only care about fighting each other, not helping the people.  They work for THEMSELVES.


By joining the Freedom Party, you can help us end our Two-Party System's selfishness and greed.


Join us!  Together we will



Thanks for submitting!

We are committed to your privacy and your trust in us.  We recognize that trust in our institutions is fading, and we aspire to restore that trust.  That only happens if you trust us.  So we will never take advantage of your trust and give your information to any third party, no matter how much they lobby us.  Nor will we add you to any campaign's email list without your consent (consenting to the newsletter is NOT consenting to supporting any campaign).

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